Balbas Pusa Plant Health Benefits
The chemicals present in Orthosiphon stamineuscan assist in decreasing blood pressure levels. The leaves are often used to make tea in most places. 8 Cat Whiskers Plant Health Benefits For A Healthy Lifestyle Bright Stuffs It is also used for bladder and kidney disorders including bacterial infections and kidney stones. Balbas pusa plant health benefits . It supports the traditional use of the plant for hypertension treatment. Tanglad or lemon grass is a commercially-viable plant that is cultivated mainly for the fragrance that it produces. One of these is that it can contribute to losing some weight. Health Benefits of Cat Whiskers Plant. Reduction of cholesterol and blood. The leaves of this plant are used as a poultice in order to get relief from pain caused by dental caries cavities. Aside from lowering blood sugar and antibiotic properties there are other benefits that we can get from this bitter plant. Philippine Medicinal Herb Cats whiskersBalbas pusa Ortho...