Scientific Name Of Balbas Pusa Plant
Lagerstromia speciosa English name. Start studying BOTANY LECTURE QUIZ 1. Epingle Sur Tillandsias Air Plants Kumis kucing Indonesia Misai kucing Malaysia Mao xu cao China Kabling-gubatbalbas-pusakabling-parang Philippines Yaa-nuat-maeo Thailand Plant Type. Scientific name of balbas pusa plant . Kablin Tag Pamp Ilk Menta cablin Blanco. I planted oregano lemon grass balbas-pusa Cats whiskers ashitaba serpentina. Its botanical name is Orthosiphon Stamineus and comes from Labiatae Lamiaceae family. The plant is a medicinal herb found mainly throughout southern China the Indian Subcontinent South East Asia and tropical Queensland. The herb is popularly referred as Balbas Pusa. Menta auricularia Blanco. Why King of Bitters. The herb is popularly referred as Balbas Pusa. Learn vocabulary terms and more with flashcards games and other study tools. Cats Whisker Java Tea Ingles. Cats Whiskers Orthosiphon aristatus also known as Java tea of Kidney Tea Plant is a bra...