Pusa Summer Prolific Long Is The Variety Of Which Crop
Pusa Summer Prolific Long. Pusa Summer Prolific Round. Crops Vegetables Cucurbits Others Mg Deficiency Lagenaria Botswana Pestnet 220 Pusa Rudhira Pusa Asita Pusa Vasuda Sep-Oct. Pusa summer prolific long is the variety of which crop . Variety of Papaya Tolerant to Tristeza Canker. Pusa dwarf Pusa Nanha Pusa Gaint. Pusa kasuri pebrmt-1 rmt-305. Pusa rubiArka shorab Punjab chuharaPhule-16Bt-105Tomato-415LE-37014. Early variety ready for picking in 55-60 days. There is considerable scope to exploit heterosis in the crop. Fruits are 40-50cm long and 20-25cm in girth. This variety has been released and recommended for cultivation as a summer season crop by the IARI New Delhi. F1 hybrid between PSPL and Sel2 Fruits long and light green. Some farmers say Bottle gourd long variety are not yielding if grown in the same fold next year. 300-350 Pusa Yamdagini Pusa Nayanjyoti Sep-Nov. VarietiesHybrids developed under AICRP Veg. Pusa Ruby Variety is released...